Requirements/Scope Management - Part 1. Introduction to RUP

What is RUP

The Rational Unified Process is an iterative software development process framework created by the Rational Software Corporation.

RUP is not a concrete process, but an adaptable process framework. It is to be adapted by the development organizations and teams that will select the elements of the process that are appropriate for their needs.


  • Iterative and incremental. Phases are divided into iterations. Each iteration results in increment.
  • Case-driven. Use cases are used to capture the functional requirements and to define the contents of the iterations.
  • Architecture-centric. One of the most important deliverable is executable architecture baseline developed during the Elaboration phase.
  • Risk focused. Greatest risks should be addressed first.

Engineering disciplines

  • Business Modelling
  • Requirements
  • Analysis and Design
  • Implementation
  • Test
  • Deployment

Supporting disciplines

  • Configuration and Change Management
  • Project Management
  • Environment


  • Inception. Describe business case; define project scope, elicit use cases; outline architecture; identify risks; prepare schedule; estimate cost.
  • Elaboration. Capture system requirements; address known risks; establish system architecture; create use-case, conceptual, package diagrams; deliver plan for Construction phase.
  • Construction. Implement system features; describe full text use-cases.
  • Transition. Deploy the system to target users; migrate data; trade users; consider wishes.

Best practices

  • Develop iteratively
  • Manage requirements
  • Use components
  • Model visually
  • Verify quality
  • Control changes

Figure 1. RUP phases and disciplines


  1. IBM Rational Unified Process.
  2. Unified Process.
